
Kirill Havanski

There is an entity, a bunch of theatre students to be more exact, or even more so a group of young people, who have been forgotten in a distant small town – yet they have a fire burning inside them, they do not want to continue living the way they have until now. They want something to change. But in the end, nothing changes in this world, everything repeats itself, is the same, unchanging. Trying to cope with themselves in this unchanging world, they play games with one another, while also seeking solace amongst themselves. The greater their desire to forget themselves in games, the less satisfying these games become. Their expeditions guide them further and further, the games become more demanding, but the inner turmoil does not subside. At one point, they cross the line, not knowing what awaits for them on the other side.

Production's co-producer is Uinversity of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy.

On üks entiteet, kamp teatritudengeid, aga eelkõige grupp noori inimesi, kes on ära unustatud kaugesse väikelinna, kuid kelle sees hõõgub tuli – nad ei taha enam elada niimoodi, nagu nad on elanud. Nad tahavad, et midagi muutuks. Aga lõppude lõpuks ei muutu maailmas midagi, kõik kordub, kõik on sama, kõik on muutumatu.
EPL kultuuritoimetus
Lavastuse "Passijad" keskmes on passijad. See on lugu ühest grupist, mis on olude sunnil määratud oma elu pealt passima. Nad elavad tuleviku hirmudes, mineviku ebaõnnestumistes ja õnnestumistes, suutmata leida olevikuga kontakti.
ERR kultuuriportaal
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